
Showing posts from 2015


Difficult times always come by and it doesn't matter whether you know how to swim but need to know how to float to get yourself to shore!

To-do or Wish?

Differences in my viewpoint: To-do list - you've to work on them and you'll not be efficient if you pile them up & Wish list - you can pile them and if you work for it, you'll be more effective in what you do!

Influence & Power!

The 'Influence' of Good & Bad will always be there around 'You' either you are alone or in groups but Good or Bad gets the 'Power' to influence based on the side you take!

Trial & Error!

Life is nothing but a trial & error at every instance and You will master your way, when you try to explore by being Yourself!

Lead from the front!

'Leading the way' is not about standing out as a leader in-front of the team but leaving the way in-front, showing the way ahead to explore and walking along with your team to 'Success'

Think Good!

Devotion and Donation becomes equal if you pray or pay for the good of others! ~Gopi

will You build or break?

'Change' is just an opportunity, it is up to 'You' to Build or Break yourself ~ Gopi Karuna

Have you had a great experience?

Experience (gained or offered) can better only if there is Consistency! ~Gopi Karuna

What's your Leadership Style?

Way to bring out the Leadership in others: Treat everyone as a 'Leader' when you have an opportunity to collaborate for a common goal! 

Are You?

When you're committed, extra mile is not a distant journey - Gopi Karuna