We may be apart and in different places on this earth but
you are always in my thoughts and I hope you feel the same! Thanks for being my
Friend always...
Differences in my viewpoint: To-do list - you've to work on them and you'll not be efficient if you pile them up & Wish list - you can pile them and if you work for it, you'll be more effective in what you do!
Feeling #Guilty for the wrong decisions made by self or under the influence of others in the past will only ruin your #MentalHealth ! If you intend to build a better #Future , focus on the #Present with those #LessonsforLife you have learnt in the #Past . Rather than thinking or dwelling as to how you can undo the past actions, think how you can differ not to repeat them again! #YourActionsMatter #LoveYourLife #ForgiveYourself #ForgiveOthers #Focus #BPositive #SpreadtheVibe #SuicidePrevention #WSPD #IASP #FYA #HumanProsperity #VolunteeringMoments
People will follow You, if you Lead them as an example or you will just be walking in front of them as many others do, without making any impact! Be a Trendsetter!!